Allplan start now - ROAD

Learn basics of DTM import, management, and road alignments.

In this training you will learn the fundamentals to import, administrate, visualize and modify digital terrain models (DTMs). With the DTM as a calculation base, you will learn how to administrate, create, import and take over road axis alignment and how to use the commands to create and modify the horizontal and vertical geometry.

Learn how to import, visualize and modify a digital terrain model (DTM). Get familiar with the first steps to create new axes, import alignment data and how to input the horizontal and vertical alignment geometry.

Create and import of DTMs;;;Make use of break lines to adjust triangulation;;;Visualization of DTMs;;;Area and point reduction of DTM



Allplan Road - Axis design: Horizontal alignment

Allplan Road - New Project and Terrain Design

Alplan Road - Terrain Design with break lines

Allplan Road - More alignment functions

Allplan Road - Axis design: Vertical alignment

Additional material - Allplan start now - Road

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