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Allplan Campus Essentials DE
Allplan Campus Essentials DE
Course description
Dieser Kurs bietet eine umfassende Einführung in die CAD-Software Allplan. Du lernst alles von der Navigation und grundlegenden Funktionen über das Arbeiten mit Ebenen, Bauwerksstruktur und Layern bis hin zu fortgeschrittenen Tools und dem effizienten Import und Export von Projekten. Perfekt für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene, die ihre Allplan-Kenntnisse vertiefen möchten.
Learning outcomes
- Grundlagen der Navigation: die Arbeitsoberfläche von Allplan und Projektsicherung
- Arbeiten mit Layer und Bauwerksstruktur: Organisation und Struktur des Projektes
- Effektive Nutzung von Ebenenmodellen und Materialien für strukturierte Bauwerksentwürfe
- Erstellung und Kollisionsfreie Konstruktion von Bauelementen
- Präzise Darstellung und Export von Schnitten und Planlayouts
Allplan Campus Essentials EN
Allplan Campus Essentials EN
Course description
This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the Allplan BIM software. You will learn all the basic functions, from navigation and working with levels, building structures and layers to advanced tools and the professional presentation of projects. Perfect for users who want to deepen their knowledge of Allplan.
Learning outcomes
- Navigation basics: the Allplan user interface
- Working with layers and building structure: Organisation and structure of the project
- Creation and collision-free construction of building elements
- User defined structures: free modeling
- 3D-visualisation, export of sections and plan layouts
Licensing Administration
Licensing Administration
Course description
This course aims to give the learner a basic understanding of SDS2 Licensing, including the Organization Admin, which is the web-based portal for managing your organization's SDS2 licenses.
Learning outcomes
- Creating and Managing Groups
- Managing Users
- Managing Invitations
- Managing Licenses
- Changing a User's Email Address
Allplan Campus Crashkurs EN
Allplan Campus Crashkurs EN
Course description
This Allplan crash course for beginners offers a comprehensive introduction to the basics of the CAD and BIM software Allplan. In five structured video tutorials, you will learn how to create 2D and 3D designs, efficiently manage building structures, and design and export professional plan layouts for your architectural projects. Perfect for beginners who want to quickly and practically expand their skills in architecture and construction planning.
Learning outcomes
- Basic 2D design and project management in Allplan
- Expertise in free 3D modeling and the application of Boolean operations
- Effective usage for level models and materials for structured building designs
- Construction of walls, ceilings, and columns without collisions
- Accurate presentation and export of sections and plan layouts
Allplan Campus Planlayout DE
Allplan Campus Planlayout DE
Course description
Dieser Allplan Crashkurs zeigt Anfängern, wie man Planlayouts erstellt und exportiert. In kurzen Tutorials lernst Du die Grundlagen von CAD und BIM für Architekturprojekte – ideal, um schnell praxisnahes Wissen zu erlangen.
Learning outcomes
- Präzise Darstellung und Export von Schnitten und Planlayouts
- Grundlagen der Layout-Komposition
BIM e sostenibilità: con Edilclima
BIM e sostenibilità: con Edilclima
Course description
La collaborazione tecnica tra ALLPLAN e EDILCLIMA offre una nuova
opportunità per sfruttare al massimo le potenzialità della progettazione
BIM. Infatti, da oggi è possibile esportare il modello Allplan in
formato IFC per la successiva elaborazione in EC700, la soluzione per il
calcolo delle prestazioni energetiche degli edifici in conformità alle
specifiche tecniche UNI/TS 11300. Nel corso del seminario tecnico
verranno mostrate le potenzialità dello scambio dei dati in formato IFC
tra i due software, con l'utilizzo del progetto reale di una villetta.
ALLPLAN SmartCatalog
ALLPLAN SmartCatalog
Course description
Design2Cost e la nuova funzione SmartCatalog
Learning outcomes
- Che cos'è lo SmartCatalog e in cosa consiste la soluzione D2C?
- Come posso utilizzare il database di regole definito in BCM all'interno di A2025?